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Rekindle (digital inclusion)

The Rekindle digital inclusion service can give you the skills and confidence to get online and use digital technology to improve your life.

Rekindle supports disadvantaged, disabled, and older people to improve their ability to access the internet to support their health, wealth, and happiness. Being online can also help to reduce loneliness and social isolation.

How we can help

How we can help


Our Digital Inclusion Caseworkers can offer support including:

  • basic digital skills
  • 6 to 8 weeks of one-to-one or group sessions
  • advice on which device to buy
  • home connectivity solutions (for example, broadband internet)

Check out the Rekindle vlog to find more about out how our support has helped people.

The programme


First of all, we'll make sure your 'digital foundations' are in place. We'll start with some basic skills, and make sure you understand about devices (like smartphones and tablets) and connectivity (for example, the internet). Then we'll go on to some optional learning modules:

  1. Communicating online
  2. Better-off online
  3. Accessing services online
  4. Digital health literacy

A number of our participants have gone on to take part in the Rekindle Research group. They work alongside volunteers and the Rekindle team to develop their skills in digital technologies, including QR codes, animation, and podcasting.

Did you know, on average, you could save £600 per year by being online? Using the internet, you can compare your bills and shop around for better deals. You can also connect with your family or friends, catch up on your favourite TV shows, or play digital puzzles or games.

Radio Rekindle


The Radio Rekindle podcast features stories from older people getting to grips with digital technology. Podcasts are released monthly, on the third Friday of each month. The whole production is handled by former and current rekindle participants. The podcasts contain a range of topics, including personal stories, learning journeys, reminiscence, oral histories, current events, and advice and promotional material from Age UK and the Staying Put Agency.

Rekindle research group


The Rekindle Research Group is made up of participants in the Rekindle project. They work together to explore different kinds of digital technology then share their findings on the Rekindle Research Group website.

Get in touch


Get in touch with us to arrange a visit to Cavendish House for demonstrations and advice on equipment:

  • digital devices
  • daily living home technology
  • assistive technology
  • specialist equipment

Find us at: Middlesbrough Independent Living Services, Cavendish House, Cavendish Road, Middlesbrough, TS4 3EB

Find Cavendish House on Google Maps and get directions.

Contact our Digital Inclusion Caseworkers by calling 01642 729392 or emailing spa_rekindle@middlesbrough.gov.uk.