This page contains details of services available to older people in Middlesbrough, including concessionary fares, social care assessments, and residential homes. Please note, for some services you may be redirected to other websites to complete your task or find the information you need.
- Age-friendly Middlesbrough
- Assisted bin collection
- Avoiding accidents and falls
- Befriending service
- Books on wheels service
- Bus pass (concessionary fares)
- Connect
- Dementia
- Disabled parking (Blue Badges)
- Getting social care support
- Housing options for older people
- Incontinence
- Legal advice
- Occupational therapy
- Please have a seat campaign
- Residential care and nursing homes
- Search for care homes
- Staying in your own home
- Staying Put Agency
- Tees Community Equipment Service (TCES)
- Telecare service