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Business Rates

About Business Rates

Business Rates are a tax on business properties. Find out more about what they are.

About your bill

Every property has a rateable value. Your rateable value is used to work out your Business Rates bill.

Business Rates relief

Some properties can get a discount on their Business Rates. This is called 'Business Rates relief'.

Report a change

If there's a change to your business or your address, you need to contact us and let us know.

Appealing your bill

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) decides your property's rateable value. Contact the VOA to appeal it.

How to pay

There are a range of ways to pay your Business Rates. The easiest way is by Direct Debit.

Failing to pay your Business Rates

You must pay the amount shown on your bill. Find out what happens if you do not pay.

Contacting us about your Business Rates

If you need to speak to someone about your Business Rates, you can phone or email us.

Business Rates account

Use your Business Rates account to check your balance, set up a Direct Debit, and more.