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Report abuse or neglect of an adult

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. When someone tells us they’re worried that an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect, we call this a ‘safeguarding concern’.

If you're worried that an adult may be harmed or neglected, you must tell us as soon as possible.

In an emergency, call 999

Report abuse or neglect of an adult


You should report abuse or neglect to the adult social care team.

Phone: 01642 065070

Email: [email protected]

(Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm)

At any other time, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01642 524 552.

If you're a professional, you'll need to use the concern form to make a report. You can download the concern form from the TSAB website.

If you think a crime has been committed, you should also tell the police by calling 101 (as well as reporting your concern to adult social care).

What is abuse and neglect?


There are many forms of abuse. Read more about the different types of abuse in the adult safeguarding guide.

What happens when abuse or neglect is reported?


The adult safeguarding guide explains what happens when someone tells us they're worried an adult is being abused or neglected.

Report abuse or neglect of an adult outside of Middlesbrough


In an emergency, call 999.

There are different contact details to report abuse or neglect of an adult living in Stockton, Hartlepool, or Redcar. All the details are available on the TSAB website, along with the concern form which professionals should use to make a report.

If you think a crime has been committed, you should also tell the police by calling 101 (as well as reporting your concern to adult social care).