All older people have the right to live in a supportive and age-friendly place. Our age-friendly charter was created with older people, and sets out the values and aspirations of an age-friendly town. It contains a set of principles which will lead to a more supportive and inclusive community for older residents of Middlesbrough. We encourage all organisations in the town to pledge their support for older people and work towards meeting the age-friendly principles.
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Age-friendly Middlesbrough Charter
Age-friendly principles
Older people in Middlesbrough will:
- have access to all available forms of transport, and feel confident travelling and getting around Middlesbrough
- have accommodation which meets their needs
- feel heard, and have a say in decisions about topics which affect their lives
- have access to the work and volunteering opportunities they want
- have access to activities when and where they want
- be able to access outdoor spaces and buildings which meet their needs
- be connected to their local community, and feel respected and included in society
- be able to stay connected and access the information they need
- have access to appropriate health, social care, and wellbeing services
Making a pledge
We can only achieve our goals if people and organisations in Middlesbrough commit to age-friendly actions, big or small. You can pledge your support online.
When you make a pledge, we'll ask you five questions:
1. What you're pledging to do - it should be something realistic, and measurable in some way
2. When you will do it - setting a target date improves the chances of your pledge becoming a reality
3. Who will be responsible for making it happen - if you're part of an organisation, you can just put people's job titles
4. Where you will do it
5. How it will make Middlesbrough more age-friendly - you can refer to the age-friendly principles above
Example pledge
We (bus company) pledge to make sure older people feel safe and comfortable travelling on our buses. We will do this by introducing accessibility cards they can show to the bus driver if they need longer to sit down, for example because they have limited mobility and find it difficult to walk to a seat.
We will promote the age-friendly transport guide and introduce the accessibility cards for all bus pass holders by the end of 2023.
Our Head of Community Outreach will work with the council to make these cards available to all bus pass holders, and will carry out regular surveys of older bus users to see if they feel safe travelling with us. Our Head of Driver Standards will make sure all bus drivers are trained to recognise the cards and know what to do.
This will make Middlesbrough more age-friendly by supporting the principle 'older people will have access to all available forms of transport, and feel confident travelling and getting around Middlesbrough'.
Benefits of signing up
By making a pledge you'll:
- get free publicity via our Age Friendly Middlesbrough eBulletin
- be listed on Middlesbrough Council website as an Age-friendly Middlesbrough organisation
- hear about Age-friendly Middlesbrough initiatives, events, and training opportunities
If you have any questions about the pledge or Age-friendly Middlesbrough, you can email [email protected], or call Emma McInnes on 01642 728756.