Adaptations are structural changes to your property to make it easier for you to move about and use your home, and stay independent. An adaptation could be something like replacing steps with a ramp or fitting a stair lift.
Home Adult social care Everyday living Home adaptations
Adaptations to your home
Occupational therapy
You can get help from the council's Occupational Therapy service. An appointment can be made to see you at home to identify what you need to make managing your home easier.
You can find out more from social services by calling 01642 065070 or emailing [email protected].
If you're eligible for help from the council's Occupational Therapy service you may be required to pay a contribution towards the cost of the adaptation.
Major adaptations
There are grants available for major adaptations which need to be carried out. A financial assessment will be required as it is a means tested grant. Contact social services by calling 01642 065070 or emailing [email protected] to make a referral for assessment by an Occupational Therapist.
Minor adaptations
If you're eligible, some adaptations can be provided free of charge by the Middlesbrough Mobile Adapt and Mend Service.
The Staying Put Agency can offer free help to home owners and occasionally private tenants with home improvement, and small repairs.
If you rent your home from the council or a housing association, any works recommended by the Occupational Therapy service can sometimes be carried out and paid for by the landlord.
If the council or housing association are unable to fund any works, or if you rent privately or own your home, you can apply for a disabled facilities grant from the council’s Staying Put Agency. The amount of money you get will depend on your financial circumstances, and you may have to contribute towards the cost of the work. We will help you apply for the grant.