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General information - information for veterans

Services for injured veterans

Veterans' Gateway


Veterans' Gateway is the first point of contact for veterans seeking support. It's made up of a number of military charities and can put you in touch with organisations who can help further.

Phone: 0808 802 1212 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

WebsiteVeterans' Gateway website

Help for Heroes


Help for Heroes works with those who have injuries and illnesses attributable to their service in the British Armed Forces. No matter when someone served, Help for Heroes believes that those prepared to put their lives second, deserve a second chance at life.

Phone: 01748 834148

WebsiteHelp for Heroes website

Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS)


Defence Medical Welfare Service delivers an independent and impartial 24 hour specialist welfare service to members of the British Armed Forces who are receiving hospital care, their dependant relatives, and entitled civilians. Their aim is to contribute to the consistency of the recovery and rehabilitation pathway for service personnel.

Phone: 0800 999 3697

WebsiteDMWS website



BLESMA supports all limbless ex-service men and women, their widows, and dependents. They provide support on grants for mobility, rehabilitation and adaptations, and advice on compensation schemes, nursing, residential, and respite care.

Phone: 020 8590 1124

WebsiteBLESMA website

RNID (help with hearing loss or tinnitus)


If you've served in the Armed Forces and need support to manage hearing loss and tinnitus, the RNID can help. They are also here to support groups working with veterans.

Phone: 0808 808 0123

WebsiteRNID support for veterans

Blind Veterans UK


Blind Veterans UK believes that no-one who has served our country should have to battle blindness alone. It provides blind and vision impaired ex-service men and women with lifelong support including welfare support, rehabilitation, training, residential, and respite care.

Phone: 0300 111 2233

WebsiteBlind Veterans UK website



SSAFA works to assist service men and women who have been injured in service to their country.

The Stockton branch is based at the T. A. Centre on Norton Road, Stockton. Clients are usually seen in their homes but can be seen at the Norton office. The service is available Monday to Friday 10am to 12pm (noon).

Phone: 01642 553666 to make an appointment

WebsiteSSAFA website

Compensation for veterans

Veterans UK


Veterans UK administers the Armed Forces pension schemes and compensation payments for those injured or bereaved through service. Veterans UK is part of the Ministry of Defence.

Phone: 0808 1914 218

WebsiteVeterans UK website

Armed Forces compensation (GOV.UK)


Information and reports on all MOD compensation schemes including the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and other service benefits.

WebsiteArmed Forces compensation (GOV.UK) website


RAF Benevolent Fund


The RAF Benevolent Fund provides practical, financial, and personal lifetime support to all members of the RAF family, whether serving or veterans, and their families.

Phone: 0300 102 1919

WebsiteRAF Benevolent Fund website

Royal Navy and Marines Charity


The Royal Navy and Marines Charity funds projects and facilities that boost morale for both veterans and those who serve today, including: caring for ex-service men and women in old age, those in crisis or in need (mental health issues, substance abuse, injury, and homelessness), and transitioning to civilian life and employment.

Phone: 023 9387 1520

WebsiteRoyal Navy and Marines Charity website

The Soldiers' Charity


Also known as the Army Benevolent Fund (ABF). The Soldiers' Charity provides grants for soldiers and veterans from the British Army, and their immediate families, when they are in need.

Phone: 0207 901 8900

WebsiteSoldiers' Charity website

Forces Compare


Forces Compare lets you find and compare the best military insurance deals. It's an independent search engine which specialises in comparing quotes for insurance to meet your requirements, from a select group of highly reputable insurance specialists.

WebsiteForces Compare website

Project Nova


Project Nova supports veterans who have been arrested and enter police custody. It also supports veterans who are referred by specialist police teams, or other statutory organisations, because they are at risk of arrest. Project Nova is delivered as a partnership between RFEA and Walking With The Wounded (WWTW).

WebsiteProject Nova website

The Forces in Mind Trust


Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) awards grants and commissions research, coordinates the efforts of others, and supports projects that deliver long-term solutions to the challenges faced by the Armed Forces community.

WebsiteForces in Mind Trust website

Apply for a veterans' badge or a medal


Anyone who has served in any of the UK Armed Forces can apply for a veterans' badge. There is no fee.

WebsiteVeterans' badge or medal website

Veterans ID cards


A new ID card for Armed Forces veterans, which will help them access specialist support and services, has started to be issued to service leavers.

WebsiteVeterans ID cards website

Confederation of Service Charities (COBSEO)


COBSEO represents the whole serving and veterans community. Membership is open to charities who promote and further the welfare and general interests of the Armed Forces community.

WebsiteCOBSEO website