If you're in a crisis and you can't afford food, you might be able to get free food from a foodbank. A crisis might be something like losing your job, becoming homeless, or getting an unexpected bill which leaves you with no money. You'll need a voucher before you can get food from a food bank.
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Help with food
In an emergency
We can provide emergency food/utilities Monday to Friday. If you're in need, call Freephone 0808 1789278.
If you need help with food in an emergency, the White Feather Project offers help 7 days a week, from 9am to 10pm. If you need support, please contact the White Feather Project on 07552 830185.
We also offer emergency help through the Community Support Team (Monday to Friday), who can be contacted on 0808 1789278 (Freephone).
Eco shops
Middlesbrough has a network of eco shops which help the planet and can also help you reduce how much you spend on food. Anyone can use an eco shop. You just need to bring along your own shopping bag.
For a donation of between £2 and £3, you can take home 10 items of supermarket-quality food or drink. There are tins, jars, packets, fruit, and vegetables which can be used for healthy meals. Some eco shops have fridge items too.
Many of the items available at eco shops would otherwise go to landfill.
eco shops are supported by Middlesbrough Environment City, FareShare NE, and the Middlesbrough Food Partnership.
Free school meals
All children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 can get free school meals.
Children in Year 3 or above can get free school meals if you're getting certain benefits.
Feeling like you can't cope?
We know that it's scary when you don't know if you'll be able to buy food or pay your next bill. If you're feeling anxious, depressed, or like you've run out of options, please reach out for help.
The Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys crisis service is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will listen without judging you, support you, and help you with what to do next. You can call them on 0800 0516 171, for free. Please don't suffer alone.