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Forces champion

The Armed Forces champion maintains Middlesbrough Council's commitment to support the Armed Forces and their families and veterans. They also raise the profile of the support provided by the council and the community.

The role

The Armed Forces champion:

  • is the key link between Middlesbrough Council and the Armed Forces community in Middlesbrough
  • is kept up to date on activities going on locally to support service personnel and their families
  • has up-to-date knowledge of Armed Forces issues and is able to provide information on local activities
  • attends events relating to the Armed Forces on behalf of the Mayor
  • raises the profile of the Armed Forces and ex-Service personnel and promote local events
  • encourages local businesses to support the Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Champion - 2023/2024

Councillor Linda Lewis was appointed as Armed Forces Champion in October 2023 and has over 30 years' experience as a community activist in Middlesbrough town centre, 18 years of this as a volunteer. Linda has been a school parent governor and served on committees of numerous community groups in the past and is Chairperson of St Aidan's Residents Association in Middlesbrough.

Linda's great uncle, George Arthur Royer, served in the 4th Battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment and is listed on the Albert Park gates war memorial to the fallen of World War One.

She is thrilled to be appointed as Armed Forces Champion and looks forward to working with the Armed Forces community in Middlesbrough.

Armed Forces Champion Linda Lewis


You can contact the Armed Forces Champion by emailing civics@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

You can also write to: Armed Forces Champion, c/o Democratic Services, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX