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Healthwatch Middlesbrough

Healthwatch Middlesbrough is an independent champion for people who use health and social care services. It aims to make sure that those running services, put people at the heart of care.

Healthwatch focuses on making sure your experiences and concerns about health and social care services are heard, and speaks out on your behalf. This ensures local services meet the needs of local people.


The Healthwatch information and signposting service acts as a single point of contact which offers you:

  • trustworthy local health and care information
  • connections to the most appropriate service
  • advice about what you can do if you're not getting the service you need, or in the way you need it

If you're not sure where to go for help and support, please #JustAsk.

Phone: 0800 118 1691

Email: healthwatchsouthtees@pcp.uk.net

Text only: 07451 288 789

Visit the Healthwatch Middlesbrough website for more information.

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