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Metz Bridge Court

Metz Bridge Court (formerly Metz Bridge Gypsy and Traveller Site) consists of 21 permanent plots for long-term residents.

Each plot has a maximum number of permitted units. A unit is classed as a caravan or motor vehicle.

Each plot has an amenity block with a bathroom, toilet, and kitchenette.

We're not currently taking any new applications for permanent plots due to power supply issues. We'll look at this decision again soon.

Code of conduct


The code of conduct applies to all tenants on the site and their guests, as well as any unauthorised encampments.

Site occupants will:

  1. Keep the site and surrounding area clean, tidy, and free from damage.
  2. Make sure that waste is disposed of properly. Travellers will be able to dispose of their domestic waste at authorised depots. Skips can be provided if Travellers agree to contribute towards the cost.
  3. Keep animals under control and make sure to get permission from landowners before grazing animals.
  4. Not cause a nuisance to neighbours or damage any property.
  5. Not light fires that produce dark smoke or cause a nuisance to others.
  6. Tell the council their intended date for leaving the site.
  7. Leave the encampment on the agreed date.
  8. Leave the site in a clean and tidy condition.
  9. Not occupy the same land again for at least 3 months.

If you need advice about the code of conduct, or any other matter associated with Gypsies and Travellers, please contact Gamini Wijesinghe on 01642 728410 or email gamini_wijesinghe@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Unauthorised encampments

If an unauthorised encampment is made on site, we'll decide whether or not to allow it. We'll look at a number of factors, including whether the individual or groups are following the code of conduct.

Please note, even if we allow an unauthorised encampment on our land for a limited amount of time, the occupants are still classed as trespassers. We therefore reserve the right to remove an unauthorised encampment at any time.

How to apply


We're not currently taking any new applications for permanent plots due to power supply issues. We'll look at this decision again soon.

We'll reply to any enquiries about plot applications within 10 working days.

To apply for a plot at Metz Bridge Court, you'll need to complete parts 1 and 2 of the Gypsy and Traveller assessment. Forms are available either in PDF or DOC format. If you have access to an email account, please email your completed application to gamini_wijesinghe@middlesbrough.gov.uk

PDF versions

Gypsy and Traveller Assessment Form part 1
Gypsy and Traveller Assessment Form part 2

DOC (Microsoft Word) versions

Gypsy and Traveller Assessment Form part 1 (DOC)
Gypsy and Traveller Assessment Form part 2 (DOC)

If you need any help with filling in the form, contact the Metz Bridge Service Team by calling 01642 728410 or emailing gamini_wijesinghe@middlesbrough.gov.uk.

Contact details


Report repairs during office hours: 01642 515604

Report a disruption to the electricity supply out of hours: 0300 111 1000

Report problems with anti-social behaviour: 01642 228500

For problems with rent payments, water payments, or your pitch agreement call 01642 515604 during office hours, Monday to Friday.