This page provides a range of data and statistics relating to children and young people services, including social care and education.
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Children's and young people's services data
Social care data sources
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): children looked after in England including adoptions
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Children looked after, care leavers, and children adopted in England. Annual statistics including characteristics, placement information, and health outcomes.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): children's social work workforce
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Provides information about children and family social workers, and agency social workers employed in local authorities.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): children in need
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Child protection plans, referrals to, and assessments completed by, children's social care services.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): outcomes for children in need, including children looked after by local authorities in England
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Outcome measures cover:
- special educational needs
- educational attainment
- destinations from school
- absence from school
- suspensions and permanent exclusions from school
- free school meal eligibility
- type of school attended
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): Looked after children aged 16 to 17 in independent or semi-independent placements
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Looked after children aged 16 to 17 in independent or semi-independent placements.
Cafcass data
Data about Cafcass, which advises the family courts about the welfare of children and what is in their best interests
There are some links within the web page allowing the user to download their 'public law demand spreadsheet'. This has local authority level data for comparison.
Department for Education: local authority interactive tool
An interactive Excel workbook comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England.
Users will need to select Middlesbrough for comparative data.
Type of data
Statistics on children in need in England, including child protection plans and referrals to, and assessments completed by, children’s social care services.
Education data sources
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): school census
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
The latest statistics on school and pupil numbers and their characteristics, including:
- age
- gender
- free school meals (FSM) eligibility
- English as an additional language
- ethnicity
- school characteristics
- class sizes
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): suspensions and permanent exclusions in England
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
- reasons schools report for suspending and excluding pupils
- suspensions and permanent exclusions by pupil characteristics
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): pupil absence in schools in England
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
National statistics release looks at pupil absence in autumn and spring terms 2022/2023, including by reason and school types, derived from the school census.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): Key Stage 1 and phonics screening check attainment
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Provides attainment and progress statistics for Key Stage 1, phonics screening, and checks national curriculum assessments.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): Key Stage 2 attainment
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Provides attainment and progress statistics for Key Stage 2 and checks national curriculum assessments.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): Key Stage 4 attainment
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Provides attainment and progress statistics for secondary school pupils.
Explore Education Statistics (GOV.UK): 16 to 19 attainment
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
Provides attainment and progress statistics for post-16.
Department for Education: NEET and participation LA scorecards
Part of the Department for Education's statistics from local authority statutory data submissions.
Users will need to 'Explore data and files used in this release' to find relevant data from Middlesbrough Council.
Type of data
An estimate each year of the proportion of young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET).
Department for Education: local authority interactive tool
An interactive Excel workbook comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England.
Users will need to select Middlesbrough for comparative data.
Type of data
Statistics on children in need in England, including child protection plans and referrals to, and assessments completed by, children’s social care services.