This page provides a range of health data relating to Middlesbrough's population, from various government and public organisations.
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Health data
Data sources
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: local health
Linking to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, the user can use this tool to build a health profile of Middlesbrough residents compared to other local authorities.
Type of data
- population
- ethnicity and language
- deprivation
- housing / living environment
- employment
- long term health conditions and morbidity
- children's weight
- children's health care activity
- child and maternal health
- behavioural risk factors
- hospital admissions
- cancer incidence
- life expectancy
- mortality and causes of death
You can also view local health data for other areas.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: public health profiles
This links to the front page of the Fingertips public health data website, with a wide variety of indicators relating to all areas in England.
Users will need to investigate links and select Middlesbrough, where possible, for local comparisons.
Type of data
Public health data collection - organised into theme profiles.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Middlesbrough health profile report
Published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, this page provides links to health reports about Middlesbrough's residents.
Type of data
Areas covered:
- life expectancy and causes of death
- injuries and ill health
- behavioural risk factors
- child health
- inequalities
- wider determinants of health
- health protection
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: public health outcomes framework
Published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, this page provides an overview of life expectancy indicators for Middlesbrough's residents compared to regional and national averages.
Public Health England: Middlesbrough public health dashboard
Published by the Public Health England, this page compares Middlesbrough's residents to local authorities in terms of deprivation levels.
Type of data
Rank of Middlesbrough Council against other local authorities in areas of:
- child obesity
- NHS Health Check
- tobacco control
- alcohol treatment
- drug treatment
- best start in life summary
- sexual and reproductive health summary
NHS Digital data sets
National data sets collect information from care records, systems, and organisations on specific areas of health and care.
Type of data
- adult social care client-level data
- commissioning data sets
- community services data set
- critical care minimum data set
- diagnostic imaging data set
- emergency care data set
- female genital mutilation data set
- hospital episode statistics
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
- maternity services data set
- national perioperative data standard programme
- national workforce data set
- neonatal critical care minimum data set
- NHS continuing healthcare patient level data set
- pediatric critical care minimum data set