All councils must keep a register of brownfield sites which may be suitable for housing developments.
Brownfield land is land which has previously been developed. It can include land with buildings on, as well as sites which have been cleared. We use the National Planning Policy Framework definition of previously-developed land.
About the register
All brownfield land registers have a Part 1 and a Part 2. Part 1 gives details of all sites included in the register. Part 2 lists sites which have also been granted 'permission in principle', which is similar to outline planning permission. We have the power to grant permission in principle on any site in Part 1 of the register, subject to carrying out a consultation.
To be included on the register, sites must meet the following criteria:
- The site must be classed as previously-developed land, as defined by the National Planning Policy Framework.
- The site must be at least 0.25 hectares in size, or able to support at least 5 dwellings ('suitable').
- The site must be expected to come forward for development in the next 15 years ('achievable').
- The owner or developer of the site must have expressed an interest to sell or develop the land no more than 21 days before it is included on the register, or the council must believe there are no ownership or legal issues to prevent development ('available').
The brownfield register is available in a spreadsheet, which meets the government's published data standard. There is also a map showing the locations of all brownfield sites in Middlesbrough.
You can view the:
Register last updated: June 2024.