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Ethnic Minority Achievement Team (EMAT)

EMAT services to schools

Details of services which can be provided by the Ethnic Minority Achievement Team to primary and secondary schools.

Primary schools


The table below shows the services included in the Ethnic Minority Achievement service level agreement for primary schools.

You can contact us at emat@middlesbrough.gov.uk to find out about the cost. You can also call us on 01642 802893, 01642 201881, or 01642 727338.

Service Provision / hours included in SLA
Two hours direct in-school support weekly to be delivered by a qualified specialist EAL teaching assistant

33 weeks of support

One week per term assigned out of school for assessment purposes

Support with in-school meetings, home visits, and parental liaison (including provision of interpreter as required) including:

  • First Language telephone calls
  • parental engagement/consultation evenings
  • informing of appointments/meetings
  • parental engagement re: health appointments, supporting with education, attendance, behaviour, health concerns
  • attendance meetings
  • behaviour re-integration meetings
45 hours per year
Translation of documents 1000 words per year

Access to EMAT Team support for projects/initiatives/networking/queries including:

  • point of contact for schools and parents
  • EAL Network Meetings
  • ad hoc queries
36 weeks of support

Secondary schools


The table below shows the services included in the Ethnic Minority Achievement service level agreement for secondary schools.

You can contact us at emat@middlesbrough.gov.uk to find out about the cost. You can also call us on 01642 802893, 01642 201881, or 01642 727338.

Service Provision / hours included in SLA
Four hours direct in-school support weekly to be delivered by a qualified specialist EAL teaching assistant

33 weeks of support

One week per term assigned out of school for assessment purposes

Support with in-school meetings, home visits, and parental liaison (including provision of interpreter as required) including:

  • First Language telephone calls
  • parental engagement/consultation evenings
  • informing of appointments/meetings
  • parental engagement re: health appointments, supporting with education, attendance, behaviour, health concerns
  • attendance meetings
  • behaviour re-integration meetings
45 hours per year
Translation of documents 1000 words per year

Access to EMAT Team support for projects/initiatives/networking/queries including:

  • point of contact for schools and parents
  • EAL Network Meetings
  • ad hoc queries
36 weeks of support

GCSEs in first languages


The Ethnic Minority achievement Team (EMAT) support schools to prepare students with English as an additional language (EAL) to take GCSEs in their first languages. EMAT currently supports secondary schools with tuition, exam practice, and the delivery of speaking exams for a number of languages.

This brings a range of educational and social benefits to the students. Schools have reported increased confidence in students, better parental engagement, and higher educational outcomes from those students who undertake first language GCSEs.

EAL students, particularly those who have good literacy skills in their first language, find that they can attain very good grades at GCSE.

Anti-racism resources for schools


The Ethnic Minority Achievement Team provide support and guidance for schools and educational settings in addressing racism and working towards racial equality.

It is important schools understand the critical role they play in anti-racism education.

Access to the Schools Self-Assessment Tool for BME and EAL Achievement can be requested by contacting the Ethnic Minority Achievement Team.


Resources, activities, and tips to empower children to work towards racial equality

The parent's guide to Black Lives Matter, although aimed at families, provides a comprehensive overview for teachers in tackling racism. The document includes a comprehensive list of educational resources.

All in Youth Project

All in Youth Project is a local organisation providing anti-racism training and workshops.

Contact Marsha Garratt (Project Manager, All In Youth Project) by calling 07886650103.

The Black Curriculum

The Black Curriculum is a social enterprise founded by young people in 2019, to address the lack of Black British in the UK curriculum. Their free learning resources include 12 topics across art history, migration, politics, and land and environment.

The Literary Trust

The Literary Trust has put together a list of anti-racism resources, including book lists for ages 13 and up.