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Street trading licence

If you want to sell items from a stall in Middlesbrough, you must apply for a street trading licence.

You must apply in writing and pay a fee. The easiest way to apply is online.

If you want to trade at North Ormesby market, you'll need a different kind of licence. You can find out more on the market trader licence page.

Some streets within Middlesbrough are either designated as 'consent streets' or 'prohibited streets'. We will not issue a street trading licence for anyone to trade in a 'prohibited street'. You can find out more on the street trading guidance page.

Applying for a licence



Your application must include:

  • your name, address, and date of birth
  • details of the street and location of the pitch, or areas the you want to trade in
  • the days and times you want to trade
  • descriptions of the items or services you want to trade
  • storage arrangements

You must be over 17 years of age to hold a licence.

You must comply with any conditions attached to the street trading consent.

Food traders must also register with the Environmental Health service.

Read more about the relevant legislation.

How to apply


You can apply for registration online.

View street trading licence charges.

Alternatively, you can download an application form and return it to the Principal Licensing Officer.

What happens next?


You'll be able to start trading if you have not heard from us within 8 weeks.

Customer complaint


If you're a customer of a licensed/registered premises and wish to complain about the service or products sold, we would advise you to contact the trader in the first instance to resolve the matter.

Trade associations
