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Licences and permits

Animal licensing

Licences for businesses involving animals, including boarding, exhibiting animals, and dog breeding.

Child employment

Information about hiring children to work, and licenses for children in entertainment.

Cooling towers

If your premises has, or operates, a cooling tower or evaporative condenser, it must be registered with us.

Cosmetic treatments

You must be licensed to carry out tattoos, piercings, acupuncture, and cosmetic treatments.

Distribution of flyers

Details about the handing out of printed matter (leaflets, flyers, newspapers etc.)

Entertainment licences

If your business serves alcohol or provides entertainment, you'll need to apply for a licence.

Environmental permits

We are legally required to regulate certain types of businesses which produce pollution.

Fireworks licensing

You must not store or sell fireworks unless you have received a valid explosives licence.

Gambling policy

Under the Gambling Act 2005, councils are responsible for licensing premises where gambling takes place.


Details of how to register a hairdressers or barbers in Middlesbrough.

Highway licences

Apply for licences relating to roads and highways, including A-boards, pavement cafes and cranes.

House to house

You must apply to the council for a licence if you want to collect money or goods from people’s homes.

Hypnotism licence

If you wish to show, demonstrate or perform a hypnotism act in public, you must have authorisation.

Licensing policy

Our licensing policy applies to events and venues, including pubs, nightclubs, supermarkets and off-licences.


Small society lotteries (or raffles) can only be run for good causes.

Market trader licence

To trade from a market stall at the outdoor market in North Ormesby, you'll need a licence.

Pavement licence

You need a pavement licence to enable your business to place removable furniture over a highway.

Petroleum storage

How to apply for a Petroleum Storage Certificate or notify of planned prescribed changes.

Marriage ceremonies

Premises like hotels, stately homes, and civic halls must be licensed for marriage and civil ceremonies.

Public notices

Some licence applications must be publicly advertised before they are granted.

Scrap metal dealer

Anyone who wants to go into business as a scrap metal dealer must have a licence.

Sex shop

You need a licence from the council to run a sex shop or to run a venue where explicit films are shown.

Sports ground safety

Sports grounds need a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators.

Street collection licence

To run a public collection for charitable purposes you'll need a licence from Middlesbrough Council.

Street trading licence

If you want to sell items from a stall in Middlesbrough, you'll need a street trading licence.

Taxi licensing

All taxi drivers and vehicles used as taxis must be licensed by Middlesbrough Council.