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Safe and resilient communities

Creating a safer environment where residents can live more independent lives.

Our aims

Support for adults to be independent for longer


We will improve access to advice and information for adults and informal carers.

We will develop and expand our use of assistive technology and reablement to minimise the need for ongoing care.

We will develop the choice of accommodation and support options for vulnerable adults to promote independent living, reducing reliance on residential care.

Improved transport and digital connectivity


Our transport infrastructure will meet the needs of our residents and businesses and also support the town’s green agenda by increasing the number of electric vehicle charging points.

We will work to improve digital connectivity, including by allowing residents to access Council services in the most convenient way.

Promotion of new ideas and community initiatives


We will develop an approach that empowers individuals and groups to build resilient and thriving communities.

Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour


We will work to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour across the town, allowing residents to live safer lives.

Visitors at the Lego exhibition at the Dorman Museum