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Feedback and complaints

We want to give the best possible services to our residents, businesses, and visitors. Your feedback helps us to know what's going well and what we could do better.

What is...

a complaint?


A complaint is when you tell us you're unhappy with something we've done. You can complain about:

  • a service we've provided, or someone has provided on our behalf
  • the behaviour or attitude of our staff
  • how well our staff speak English (this is called the 'fluency duty' and does not include things like accent or nationality)
  • behaviour which goes against our own policies

a compliment?


A compliment is when you tell us you're happy with:

  • a service we've provided, or someone has provided on our behalf
  • the behaviour or attitude of our staff
  • how well our staff speak English

We'll pass your feedback on to the team or staff member.

a comment?


A comment is when you tell us about something we could do better.

We'll pass your feedback on to the team or staff member.